According to the highly respected medical website UpToDate: Hypnotherapy was found to be better than physical therapy in 40 patients with refractory fibromyalgia. A hypnotist uses hypnotism to induce trance and deliver suggestions, which have been shown to provide significant relief from the symptoms of fibromyalgia. There is so much we do not know about Fibromyalgia. It tends to run in families, so genetic factors are likely to contribute to the disorder, but little is known for sure about the specific genes involved. Researchers believe that environmental (nongenetic) factors also play a role in a person’s risk of developing the disorder. However, through studies and patient reports, we do know hypnosis helps with Fibromyalgia pain.

What is Fibromyalgia?

The 1st sign of Fibromyalgia is pain felt in the arms, legs, head, chest, abdomen, back, and buttocks. People often describe it as aching, burning, or throbbing. Fatigue or an overwhelming feeling of being tired. Trouble sleeping. Fibromyalgia is often accompanied by fatigue and altered sleep, memory, and mood. Widespread muscle pain and tenderness are the most common symptoms. The main causes of fibromyalgia are stressful or traumatic events, such as car accidents, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) Repetitive injuries. Injury from repetitive stress on a joint, such as frequent knee bending. Illness (such as viral infections). It affects over 5 million Americans. with 80 to 90% of those affected being women. Currently, there are no specific laboratory or imaging tests for fibromyalgia.

Mind-Body Interventions Studies are Conclusive

Mind-body treatments for fibromyalgia are a common option, especially since drug therapy is rarely 100% effective at controlling symptoms and many people with this condition don’t tolerate drugs well. While studies on mind-body treatments aren’t as prevalent as drug studies, researchers have begun to identify what actually works for fibromyalgia. Mind-body treatments have gained more respect from the medical community in the past couple of decades, based largely on discoveries on how stress impacts your health as well as an increased understanding of the placebo effect of pain. Hypnosis has proven so effective that German and Israeli guidelines for the treatment of fibromyalgia now include hypnosis.

Hypnosis Can Increase Cerebral Blood When Pain Is Being Processed

Studies have shown that during hypnosis increased cerebral blood flow during the processing of acute pain has repeatedly been observed in fibromyalgia syndrome. In 25 women with fibromyalgia and 25 healthy participants, blood flow velocities in the both hemispheres of the brain were recorded. The findings that hypnosis reduces fibromyalgia symptoms are supported by the observation that cerebral blood flow in patients with fibromyalgia changes during hypnotic analgesia, compared to the waking state.

How many sessions are required for Fibromyalgia Hypnotherapy?

Usually, a patient requires about 4 – 10 sessions to get a satisfactory outcome but it varies. After a successful hypnotic session, a hypnotherapist may provide post-hypnotic suggestions so that the patient can continue with self-hypnosis and manage pain for a longer time. In one study fibromyalgia patients saw a significant decrease in physical and mental discomfort with 12 weeks of hypnotherapy and a follow-up at 24 weeks.

Which Fibromyalgia Symptoms Were Affected the Most?

Most patients experience better overall change. Patients have experienced significant improvements in sleep and less fatigue. There is less evidence that hypnotherapy reduces the depression that can accompany fibromyalgia. In one study hypnosis reduced pain but did not improve the quality of life as it relates to health. This may suggest that hypnotists should focus specifically on the reduction of sleep and less fatigue instead of the patient’s perception of quality of life and depression. All of this should be communicated to the patient to establish reasonable expectations from hypnosis.

What Methods of Hypnosis Work Best for Fibromyalgia?

Hypnotherapy is the applied use of hypnosis to facilitate therapeutic change. Some of the central concepts of hypnotherapy include an individual’s suggestibility and the connection between mind and body to produce hypnotic phenomena. It can be used as a stand-alone treatment, or alongside other treatments and therapies. Studies indicate that certain methods of hypnosis work best for fibromyalgia. Relaxation exercises. The Ericksonian hypnosis method of analog marking, given verbal or nonverbal cues to emphasize certain words are more effective than Schjultz’s autogenic method which is a self-directed form of relaxation with autosuggestion. The technique involves the daily practice of sessions that last around 15 minutes, usually in the morning, at lunchtime, and in the evening.

Several studies have investigated the combined effect of CBT & Hypnosis. It has been found that the combined treatment provides greater relief from symptoms than conventional pharmacological treatment. Especially when hypnosis is added. Studies concluded that hypnosis enhanced the effectiveness of CBT and showed greater improvement than drug intervention.

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About Happy Healthy Hypnosis

Caroline can help you lose weight, sleep better, relax, perform at your peak, and much more! Hypnosis is a powerful natural, safe, effective and proven method to relieve long-standing problematic habits that keep you suffering. Caroline has been helping people since 2005. She loves watching people transform and get their lives back on track.
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